Our seminars catalyze clarity, courage, resilience, authenticity and ease in life and work. For meaningful development within yourself, your team or your organization.
Find your true purpose
Balance intuition and cognition
Become more confident
Take profound decisions with ease
Increase your psycho-emotional resilience
Experience a sense of rebirth and new momentum
Develop fulfilling and authentic relationships
Transformation Design
Systemic Coaching
Guided Inner Journeys
Holotropic Breathwork
Performing and Visual Arts
Body Work and Rituals
Development is only sustainable if it can be integrated. This is why we place particular emphasis on transitions and transfer: from the seminar to the time afterwards and from your individual development to the social systems in which you live and work.
Personal development does not take place in a vacuum. On the contrary – we are all part of systems that can either support or hinder us from unfolding our personal potential. Trying to protect the insights and changes from the world that was not part of this development takes a lot of effort and can make you feel alone.
We explicitly welcome teams, groups and small organizations based on our experience that the integration of profound personal developments becomes more sustainable when it is shared and witnessed by close friends and colleagues.
Co-evolving in such profound ways creates a safety bubble which makes the transfer and reintegration into your every day social- and work-life much smoother and more sustainable.
We value equity, inclusion and welcome diversity and difference in backgrounds, identities and cultures.
We are highly experienced in guiding individuals and groups through deep transformational processes and combine professional backgrounds in psychotherapy, systemic and transformation design, personal and team development, neuroscience and organisational development.
We evaluate our seminars along the Inner Development Goals.
We keep developing and and improving our seminars based on participant feedback and our experiences.
Next Seminar: 9th – 11th of May 2024 | German | 16 participants
Does your team seem stuck? How about yourself? Do you sense that you are not living up to your full potential? That you haven’t found your true purpose yet? At the same time you feel like daily routines, pressure, conflicts, decisions etc. are holding you back?
Then it’s time to find out with how much ease and momentum you can pursue your goals once your hidden energies come to flow.
The Heroes Journey (original seminar by Paul Rebillot) is known to spark profound processes of personal growth. Based on this process we created a 3-day version that brings teams and groups to unprecedented levels of connection and authenticity.
The journey can be mentally, emotionally and physically demanding – and just as rewarding. It brings light to all of your unknown, unspoken, and perhaps still unconscious inner needs, resistances, insecurities, conflicts. Once these blocked energies are being released you will experience life changing momentum. Increased honesty and authenticity towards yourself and others, a sense of freedom, clarity about your purpose and new momentum to pursue your goals.
Through an intense program of immersive exercises and experiences, you will be guided through an archetypical journey.
First you will meet your inner Hero/ine. It represents the part within yourself that knows your deepest desires, has a clear vision of your life and feels the courage to pursue it – whatever it takes!
After that you discover your inner Demon. The part of yourself that wants you to stay in your comfort zone. That sabotages your dreams with fear, insecurity, doubts and many good reasons why following your vision is a terrible idea.
The process builds up to a confrontation between these inner forces and the magic that unfolds when they work hand in hand instead of against each other. This transformational process feels like stepping on new land or riding a wave for the first time.
Next dates
Start: 9th of May 2024 | 10am
End: 11th of May | 6pm
Location & Accomodation
Neupitz Seminar Location > check their website
(54km from Berlin | 20min to BER | 5min from public transport)
Pre- & Post-Seminar
1hr Preparation Call (pre-seminar / individual)
3hrs Integration Calls (post-seminar / group)
Important notes
Please be aware that this an intense transformational seminar. You won’t have the time to focus on side jobs or topics during the process!
We want to make our seminars accessible to as many people as possible. At the same time high standards are important to us. That’s why we calculate with a „Pay What You Can“ – pricing model:
There is a fixed basic price for food and accommodation, which is merely cost covering. Additionally, there is a „Pay What You Can“ – price for the seminar itself based on your own assessment. After attending the seminar, you decide what the participation was worth to you and how much you’re able to pay for it. You will then receive an invoice for exactly this amount.
Basic price for Food and Accommodation in Double Rooms: 359,00 EUR p.P. (incl. VAT)
Single Glamping Tent: +0€
Single Room Supplement: +60€
On Demand: English or German | up to 16 participants
Is your team constantly entangled in exhausting discussions and conflicts? Do some team members keep triggering each other?
The Shadow is a psychological term for the hidden, rejected, denied and repressed aspects of our personality. These aspects often include qualities, desires, or emotions that we deem unacceptable or incompatible with our self-image.
Since we deny them within us, we condemn others for acting them out. A typical encounter with our shadow occurs when we get particularly upset about the behavior of others. Including inherent positive qualities! We then project our shadow onto them. These shadow projections can strongly upset team dynamics and in effect the entire organization – from daily business to strategic decision.
Participants will emerge from this seminar with an understanding of the complexities of team dynamics and conflict resolution. They will learn to integrate all aspects of themselves, including their shadows, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness. By taking responsibility for their projections and confronting their own inner conflicts, participants will pave the way for healthier team interactions and enhanced productivity.
During this seminar, we will delve into the power of projection and its dynamics in team interactions. By examining individual and collective shadows, we will uncover the hidden aspects of the personalities that contribute to interpersonal tensions. Through guided exercises participants will gain insight into their own projections onto colleagues and superiors, as well as develop strategies for managing conflict more effectively.
Location & Accomodation
Pre- & Post-Seminar
1hr Preparation Call (pre-seminar / individual)
3hrs Integration Calls (post-seminar / group)
On Demand: up to 15 participants
Organisations are deeply influenced by their past. Their founding stories, secrets and successes, missteps, exploitations and affairs echo into present und future business dynamics. They continue to influence decisions, strategies, communication, roles, behavioral patterns, etc. and are often overlooked. Recurring conflicts, discussions, resistances and underlying „open business” can become exhausting and negatively affect business operations.
Air the carpet where you keep stumbling and clear the roots of your (family-) business dynamics. While invaluable for all companies, this journey holds particular significance for family businesses, where the interplay of family dynamics and business operations is deeply intertwined.
Transgenerational effects can be described and approached in circles: The first circle is the origin family in which the confrontation with the founding family and birth of the company form the basis. What were the motivations back then, who was involved, what were the conditions, the adversities, and who supported the founding members? Here, the first and often deeply ingrained beliefs and messages are conveyed and integrated into the family system. And they become directly connected to the values and resulting behavioral patterns within the company.
During this first phase of the seminar it is possible to address and free oneself from unresolved burdens. This phase involves appreciation, as well as mourning and processing the formative past. This consciously transforms a sense of “being a victim of the family” to a responsible pattern.
The second circle focuses on any current dynamics within the company. Influences of the shareholders, operating members and relevant topics are uncovered and addressed openly.
Difficult topics can be worked on in clarifying discussions held by the approach of radical honesty and a moderated framework. This becomes a communicative and respectful foundation for everything that can not be resolved within the seminar.
The third circle focuses on the future of the company. What could a common vision look like that does not limit individual aspirations? Liberated from any unfinished business and empowered through honest dialogues, the path is clear to see the full potential of the company.
Location & Accomodation
Pre- & Post-Seminar
1hr Preparation Call (pre-seminar / individual)
3hrs Integration Calls (post-seminar / group)
Feel and express their authentic needs, desires, and boundaries within their personal and professional life.
Psychological Safety
Heroes Journey Team Edition
Are able to embrace different perspectives, deal with conflict and uncertainties much easier.
Perspective Skills IDGs
2. Dimension
Recommend the intense seminar The Heroes Journey (Team & Purpose Edition)